Our Weekly Worship service is at 10:30am on Sundays. We are located at 419 Philippians Blvd in Pelham, AL. Our worship style is a blend between contemporary and traditional with a “come as you are” atmosphere. Dress code is casual.
Classes currently offered are children, youth, and adult.
Sunday School classes are on pause until classroom renovations are completed.
Adult small group - Mondays at 6:00pm at the home of Jerry and Dottie Nelson, and facilitated by Wes Harrison. For more information, call Dottie at 205-907-0456.
Webrews Bible study - We are studying the book of Hebrews on Wednesdays at 6:00pm at Oak Mountain Brewing. Casual Atmosphere where anyone is welcome. It is facilitated by Matt Kilpatrick, but is centered around open discussion and questions.
Men at Work - men’s group meeting monthly at 11am on the first Thursday. It is facilitated by Jimmie Prater and the location can vary. Be sure to ask about being added to the GroupMe for the latest details.